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The former Banyo Memorial Hall and the recently renovated RSL Memorial have been a unique part of the lives of Banyo and Nudgee residents.

Before the end of World War I (1914 - 1918) many sick and wounded soldiers were returning to their homeland.  Among those were the sons of the early settlers of Banyo and the adjoining farming district of Nudgee.

To welcome and support these people, among other activities, a School of Arts Building Committee was formed.

On January 13, 1919 a letter was sent to the State Department of Justice requesting their permission and direction to raise funds to erect a hall to be used as a School of Arts.  The location selected was a vacant parcel of land on the corner of St Vincents Road and Royal Parade, Banyo.  The plans showed a dance floor measurement of 30m by 10m.  The intention of the committee was to conduct entertainment of a social nature and also to provide a place where returning soldiers could gather.

The first meeting in the new Hall with Mr Coomber as the Chairman was held on 8 July, 1925.  In April 1964, the Banyo Sub-Branch of the RSL was appointed Trustees of the Reserve for the School of Arts.

Over the years, the hall was well used by the local community for bingo, dances and as a picture theatre.

The Banyo School of Arts, later became known as the Banyo Memorial Hall.  The trusteeship was held by the RSL until July 1983, when the Nundah District Youth Club took over.  The sub-branch meetings were still held here until 1998, when the hall was demolished (before it fell down!).  Mr Ernie (Spike) Jones originally put forward a proposal to erect a fallen comrades memorial wall, a paved walkway, gardens and the retention of the original flagpole.

The Queensland Government resumed the Memorial Hall property.  Ernie Jones' proposal was accepted and a portion of the land at the eastern end was excised and donated to the Banyo RSL.  A local builder, Mr Mark Thompson, erected the memorial wall and paving.  The artillery piece was moved from the old position near the dentist's surgery and placed in front of the wall.  Garden beds were arranged around the gun, with the flagpole left in its original position.

It was a big project with large finances involved.  These expenses were ably supported by the citizens of Banyo and various other RSL sub branches.  Assistance was received from the Gaming Machine Community Benefit Fund and by Energex, who supplied a lifting crane to move the artillery piece to its new position in the Memorial Garden.

Great support was also given to the sub branch by Neil Roberts MLA, the Lord Mayor of Brisbane Jim Soorley and local Councillor, Kim Flesser. 

On completion of the memorial wall, three plaques representing Navy, Army and Air Force were attached, plus the lettering 'Lest We Forget'.

Behind the wall, three Buckinghamias were planted by students of the Banyo State High School, Nudgee State School and St Pius Catholic School.

Queensland Rail refurbished and provided two seats for those who wanted to rest and meditate.

The memorial was dedicated by Major Robinson of the Salvation Army on Anzac Day, 1999.

The RSL sub-branch has held an early morning service at the flagpole each year on Anzac Day.  This service is always well attended by the returned service men and women, their families and the Banyo/Nudgee community.

Contact Kim Flesser

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